Donnerstag, 6. August 2009

Didim Didyma maps

. Donnerstag, 6. August 2009


Söke Plain - Lowland = Söke OvasıKırmızı oklar Izmir - Bodrum Karayolundan (1) Didim'e, (2) Akbük e, (3) Priene Milet Yoluna sapakları işaret ediyor.

Numbers indicated with red arrows indicated for turns to Didim(number 1) Akbuk, (number2) Priene Miletos (number 3) direction

There are maps telling about motorways and how to get there information in this page.
Road map along the Aegean coast neighbouring to Didim west Aegean Map, roads neighbouring little or big towns around Didim




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